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IB (  International Bacculate)

International Baccalaureate education is a program with international validity that provides them with brand new education and life opportunities. Therefore, he can give lessons in English.  We are with you with our academic career educators.

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International Baccalaureate Organization; It was first established as a non-commercial institution in 1968 in Geneva, Switzerland. Since then, it is the most competent, rational and functional education program accepted all over the world. The purpose of establishment; It is the execution of the curriculum of the students who continue their high school or university education in a country other than their own country, within a common and universal framework.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program is a comprehensive, pre-university two-year program for students aged 16-19. Highly motivated high school students who choose this program receive the internationally valid IB Diploma at the end of the final exams. In Turkey, the IB program has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of National Education, taking into account the academic field before university entrance.

In the 10th grade of high schools, students are studying this diploma preparation year. This year is called the Pre-IB year. It is the year of practice for the IB program in the direction of the courses they will determine according to their career choices.


Students gain necessary knowledge about the content and importance of the IB program; To help them develop the most suitable working methods and techniques by using their time in the most efficient way; Developing research skills; To help them develop their writing skills so that they can write prose, essays and essays in an effective and fluent language and present oral comments; Developing independent and critical thinking skills; It aims to help them develop their sense of responsibility towards their individual development, school, society and environment.


The diploma candidate must choose one course from each of the six groups within the options presented. In Turkey, the Mother Tongue and Social Sciences courses are taught in Turkish, while the other courses are taught in English.

  1. Group : Language A1 - Literature studies are carried out in the language in which the student is most successful, usually in his mother tongue.

  2. Group: Language A2 - Language and literature lesson with very proficient students in a second language.

  3. Group: Individuals and Societies -Business and Management, Economics, ITGS, Philosophy and Psychology.

  4. Group: Natural Sciences - Biology, Chemistry, Physics.

  5. Group: Mathematics - Mathematics (Advanced), Mathematical Methods (Standard Level).

  6. Group: Electives - Students can choose any subject from the first five groups, or they may choose a subject that has been specially approved according to the school curriculum.



The Graduation Thesis, which is an important part of the IB Diploma Program, consists of a subject belonging to one of the six courses chosen by the student; It is a composition consisting of at least 4000 words, prepared by focusing on a subject of interest within the program and under the supervision of a school counselor. This figure does not include footnotes and bibliography.


In the Theory of Information course, the origin and validity of various forms of knowledge are examined. In this course, the student learns to develop a personal perspective on the discovery and creation of knowledge. This course is specific to the IB Diploma Programme and must be studied for at least 100 hours spread over the two-year curriculum.


Since the IB philosophy is based on the "education of the individual as a whole" view, each diploma candidate must take part in the CAS study and devote 150 hours to it within two years. If the necessary studies are not done in TOK, CAS and EE fields, the student cannot be entitled to receive a diploma.


Students who have an IB diploma fulfill the minimum requirement for universities abroad with this diploma. However, since each university and department has different grade point average requirements, universities must earn a minimum of 32 points in order to enter the first year directly. This grade point average varies from school to school and from department to department. Universities that are in the top 50 in the world order require a minimum of 38 as an IB grade.


1- Why should students choose the IB Programme?

With the education it provides, this program creates an interdisciplinary field by examining the subjects in depth and by comparing them with the nature of knowledge. The IB diploma program encourages students to take an international perspective by building a foundation in their own language and culture. It not only develops a positive attitude towards learning, but also prepares it for university education. With a careful external evaluation, it creates a qualified structure and gives a name to world universities with international standards. It focuses on the entire student's development—physically, mentally, emotionally, and morally.

  2- What are the advantages of the IB Diploma?

IB students graduate with an internationally recognized diploma. An IB diploma is accepted as an entry requirement in many universities around the world. Therefore, IB graduates gain many privileges when entering universities in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and various European countries. In addition, many foundation universities in Turkey offer scholarship opportunities to IB students at different rates. It is also possible to study high school abroad as an IB student. For detailed information  The A-Z Guide to High School Education in Canada  You can check our article.

  3- How many IB Points are required for transition to university?

The IB Score requirement varies from university to university, and a score of 32-40 is required. In addition to achieving the total score, certain conditions are also sought for High Level and Standard Level courses for certain departments and schools.

E.g; The following requirements are required for the University of King's College London, Business Administration program:

35 Total Score and minimum 766 high level courses must be taken, and at least one course must be from social sciences courses. For example, the following conditions are required for the Imperial College London Engineering department, one of the best Engineering schools in England:

38 Total Score and minimum 66 high level Physics and Mathematics courses are required.

4- What is the grading system in the IB Diploma program?

Courses in the Diploma Program are graded on a seventh scale.

7 =Perfect
6 =Very Good
5 =Good
4 =Sufficient
3 =Medium
2 = Insufficient
1 =Very Insufficient

To receive an IB Diploma, a diploma score of at least 24 is required. A maximum of +3 points can be awarded for the student's Theory of Knowledge and Thesis studies. The highest diploma grade is 45.

5- Which schools in Turkey offer the IB Diploma Programme?

Many private high schools in Turkey offer IB Diplomas. Currently, 39 private high schools provide IB education. Among them are KOÇ High School, TED Colleges, Doğa Colleges, Ahmet Ulusoy High School, Private Bilkent High School, Private Eyüpoğlu High School, Tarsus American College, İzmir American College, Enka Schools, Private Yüce Schools, Üsküdar American College, Private Arı Schools.

6- What is the place of the IB diploma in the university entrance policies in Turkey?

Equivalence of IB diploma and MEB high school diploma has not been recognized yet; therefore, all IB schools in Turkey teach this program as an additional program. Students who have both high school and IB diplomas have to take the university entrance exams conducted by OSYM. High school diploma results are taken into account in university entrance exams in Turkey. However, students with an IB diploma can receive scholarships after entering university and be exempted from the courses they take during the IB. Negotiations with relevant institutions regarding the admission of students with IB diplomas to universities without taking university entrance exams are continuing in a positive way.

Some private universities in Turkey (Sabancı University, Doğuş University, Bilgi University, Bahçeşehir University, Koç University, Başkent University) offer scholarships at different rates according to the success of the IB Diploma grade. In addition, Bilkent University admits students who have an IB Diploma to the university and gives them the right to study any department they want.

7- Is the IB diploma program only for students who want to study abroad?

No. The program is not only preferred by students who want to study abroad. Many IB students prefer the program because they are aware of the benefits of the program and they gain successful and prestigious universities in Turkey. In addition, it has been determined by many studies that the academic success level of IB students at the university is very high.

8- Does the student who cannot pass the IB exam have another chance to get the IB diploma?

Students who fail the May exam can retake the exam in November if they wish.

9- What are the evaluation conditions of IB students?

Evaluation in the IB program is divided into internal and external evaluation. Internal evaluation is the evaluation made by the IB teacher in the school for each IB subject. The internal evaluation results are sent to the IBO and audited by the IBO. These internal evaluations usually make up 20-40% of the evaluation. What is meant by external evaluation is the exams sent by the IBO in May of the 12th grade. These exams are the joint exams of each course held on the same day and time with all IBDP schools at the same time and in the same way. In these external evaluations, exam questions and answer sheets are sent by the IBO to ensure standardization. After the exam, the answer sheets are meticulously mailed to the IBO and the exams are evaluated by the IBO and the exam results are sent to the IB coordinator. There is no written exam for Graduation Thesis, Information Theory course, Creativity-Movement-Service activities, which are among the graduation requirements of IBDP. These three main activities have very precise and clearly defined criteria for success by the IBO.


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